Cooperation with chamber of trade
A letter of intent concerning cooperation between Stowarzyszenie Klaster Spożywczy „Naturalnie z Podlasia” and Łomżyńska Izba Przemysłowo – Handlowa was signed on 13.09.2007 at the headquarters of Łomżyńska Izba Przemysłowo – Handlowa.
During the meeting were discussed the main grounds and aims of the initiative. The main priorities are: raising the competitiveness and innovativeness of the firms from Podlasie region, members of the association, promoting their products, and thus promoting the region and entrepreneurship in Podlasie.
At the meeting Łomżyńska Izba Przemysłowo – Handlowa was represented by: President of the Board - Maciej Zajkowski and Member of the Board - Stanisław Kaczyński; Stowarzyszenie Klaster Spożywczy “Naturalnie z Podlasia!” was represented by: Vice President of the Board - Wojciech Dąbrowski and member of the association - Jacek Wesołowski.